Mroz: ‘Performing has refueled my love for skating’
Former U.S. competitor finds groove as show skater on cruise ships
Posted by Lois Elfman, special to icenetwork

Skating on cruise ships has afforded Brandon Mroz the opportunity to see some great historical sites, like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. -courtesy of Brandon Mroz
After medaling nationally at the novice, junior and senior levels, assembling an impressive international resume, competing at the world championships and being an Olympic alternate, Brandon Mroz decided to step away from competitive skating. He soon found his niche aboard Royal Caribbean cruise ships, skating in the ice shows produced by Willy Bietak Productions. He’s just started his fourth contract, a six-month gig on the newest ship, Harmony of the Seas. Icenetwork caught up with Mroz and asked him how show skating agrees with him.
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